Why Do We Have The Standards?

In April 2012, the Victorian government initiated an inquiry into the handling of child abuse allegations within religious and other non-government organisations. The inquiry’s final report, Betrayal of Trust, made a number of recommendations that have been acted on by the Victorian Government. The creation of Child Safe Standards (the Standards) was one of the key recommendations.

Who Do They Apply To?

From 1 January 2017, the Child Safe Standards will apply to sporting organisations that operate and provide sporting services to children within Victoria (including National Sporting Organisations). The Standards apply to organisations as a whole, not only the areas that work with children.

What Are The Standards?

It takes many components to build an organisation with a culture of child safety. The Standards should act as a starting point from which your organisation can take action.
The Child Safe Standards incorporate:

  • Strategies to embed an organisational culture of child safety, including through effective leadership arrangements
  • A child safe policy or statement of commitment to child safety
  • A code of conduct that establishes clear expectations for appropriate behavior with children
  • Screening, supervision, training and other human resources practices that reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing personnel
  • Processes for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse
  • Strategies to identify and reduce or remove risks of child abuse
  • Strategies to promote the participation and empowerment of children.

What Action Should I Take?

1. Develop a working group or sub-committee to lead your organisations focus on developing a child safe culture

2. Undertake a child safety review to identify:

  • What you already have in place
  • What you are doing well
  • Where you need to improve
  • Do you need anyone else to help?

3. Understand your level of risk in relation to the services and activities you provide to your members

4. Identify what further information, advice and support you need

5. Develop and implement an action plan to ensure your organisation meets the Standards

6. Consider the needs of your members (clubs & associations) and what assistance they may require

Who Can Help Me?

P) 5176 3020
E) info@gippsport.com.au

P) 03 9698 8100
E) admin@vicsport.com.au

The Commission for Children and Young People
P) 03 8601 5281
E) childsafestandards@ccyp.vic.gov.au


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Play by the Rules

Victoria Goverment

Commission for Children And Young People