Deadly Sport Gippsland is a project that has been funded by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.  This project is auspiced by GippSport and commenced in July 2014.

Deadly Sport Gippsland has it’s own websiteFacebook and YouTubepages as well as a presence on Twitter and Instagram.


Deadly Gippsland aims to encourage and support positive lifestyle change among the Gippsland Aboriginal community by promoting sporting role models, activities and events using social media. The purpose of the program is:

  • To deliver population based health promotion social marketing campaign reaching large proportion of the Gippsland Aboriginal population.
  • Improve healthy lifestyle factors with related benefits to prevalence of chronic disease, cancer and other health conditions – and ultimately increased life expectancy.
  • Build the capacity of local sporting and health organisations to engage the Aboriginal community in health self-management and lifestyle modification through use of technology and social media.
  • Secure key Aboriginal community events that promote physical activity and participation in sport.


Key outcomes from the project include:

  • Documented Social Marketing and Communication Strategy – key Health Messages and communication mechanisms.  (Deadly Sport Strategic Plan 2015 – PDF 1.2 MB)
  • Aboriginal Sporting Events across Gippsland are financially secure, have significant reach and engage a broad cross section of the Aboriginal community.
  • Online Media productions that promote health – 1 video per week
  • Calendar of Events
  • Increased online presence of Health & Sport organisations

Program Evaluation

The project has undergone a 2 year evaluation by the Australian Catholic University which involved discussion with key stakeholders, consumer surveys and analysis of social marketing collateral.

The purpose of the evaluation is to develop an understanding of:

  • Whether sport is a useful platform for community engagement on broader health promotion efforts focused on lifestyle behaviour change in the Aboriginal community
  • Whether the approach taken to the development of social marketing is practical and able to be sustained, and if so under what pre­-conditions
  • Whether the social marketing campaigns conducted had the necessary reach to be effective population health strategies, whether they were recalled by the target audience, and whether they resulted in changes in attitudes, knowledge, and behaviour
  • To inform future resource allocation decisions by funding bodies, in particular the development of funding proposals for the 2015 – 17 Gippsland Koolin Balit Implementation Plan 

These reports can be downloaded below:

For more information on Deadly Gippsland please call (03) 5176 3020