Change begins behind the scenes with preparation and the great efforts of passionate people who can make a positive difference in our community – the advocators.
This session will help community group representatives understand how effective advocacy can be powerful and provide foundations for bringing issues to a range of audiences to stimulate discussion and change.
Topics to be covered include:
- What is advocacy and why is it worth it?
- The basic skills of an effective advocate
- Understanding the political and social framework of your community
- How groups can effectively represent their community
- Tools and resources for developing an advocacy plan
- Importance of effective communication
Date: Wednesday 6 September 2017
Time 5.30pm for a 6pm start to 9pm
Venue: Traralgon Golf Club Princes Highway, Traralgon
Please register at by Wednesday 30 August 2017.
Places are limited
For further information or special requirements including: dietary, Auslan interpreting, hearing augmentation or information in alternative formats, contact Abby Clavarino, Community Development Officer on 5128 5658 or