GippSport will be launching their Gippsland Paralympics activities, supporting inclusive sport and recreation opportunities for People with a Disability. There will be a number of Paralympic sports on offer to try during the event including: Goalball, Blind Football, Boccia and Wheelchair Basketball.
This will be a great opportunity to have a try at a number of new sports, as GippSport continues to work with Paralympics Australia to provide ongoing and regular opportunities.
Event: Gippsland Paralympics program launch and Come and Try event
Where: Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium, Catterick Crescent, Traralgon
When: Wednesday 12 May
Time: 12pm – 2pm
Cost: FREE
To Register: Please contact Brenton Dinsdale from GippSport
via phone or text on 0447358330 or via email
If you are booking on behalf of a school or service please indicate how many will be attending.