It’s great to see winter sport back, but how are youth numbers looking at your club or association?
There’s no doubt covid has had an influence, but we also know that in many respects the pandemic has largely exacerbated existing issues that were already adversely impacting youth participation.
Through our Increasing Access to Sport Project, young people aged 13-18 years in Latrobe City have told us that sport is not enough fun and that on-field and off-field pressures are too much.
Our Youth Participation Workshops offer tips and insights on how clubs and associations can provide engaging environments for young people in the interests of retaining participants, as much as attracting them.
Register for one of two free workshops – in person at Traralgon Sports Stadium on Monday 17 May, or virtually via Teams on Wednesday 19 May – at
For more information, please contact GippSport Community Sport Planning Officer Damen Francis at